Relationship Recovery

Growing Healthy Relationships... One day at a time

About Relationship Recovery

Relationship Recovery This Exit, George F. Peckham, Sex Addiction TherapistThis web site is appropriately titled Relationship Recovery because it concisely describes my philosophy and counseling approach to individuals and couples who are facing the life damaging consequences of having a sexual addiction present in their lives.

Defining a sexual addiction

Sexual addiction is defined as any sexually-related, compulsive behavior that disrupts normal living and causes life damaging stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's work environment.

When a sexual addiction is present, sexual “acting out” becomes the central theme in the sex addict’s life. The addict may promise loved ones, time and time again without success, that he or she will stop the addictive sexual behavior —thus distorting otherwise healthy expressions of sexuality into self-defeating and damaging behavior.

Sexual acting out may include, but is not limited to: compulsive masturbation, compulsive heterosexual and same sex relationships, compulsive viewing of pornography, prostitution, exhibitionism, voyeurism and cybersex.

How I approach treatment

If you believe sexual addiction may be present in your life, I can help you. Our goal together will be to pursue a course of therapy that will enable you to regain a sense of normalcy and healthy sexual behavior.

Seize the day,
the time for change
is now

For example, we will begin looking at how the addict may be sacrificing many of life’s most important experiences and responsibilities in order to find the next “sexual high.” We will learn how sexual “acting out” is a temporary escape from pain that actually perpetuates the pain from going against ones own positive values and beliefs about family, friends and community. You will learn how to implement proven therapeutic techniques to overcome addictive behaviors.

It is important for you to know that you can recover from sexual addiction.

I provide a safe and secure environment to help my clients overcome addiction to pornography and other forms of sexually acting out.

Techniques and tools include:

  • The use of a proven, 30 task, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) curriculum developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, to help clients understand and change addictive behaviors.
  • How the use of Affect Management Skills Training (AMST) can help clients regulate their emotional state.
Integrating these two mind/body techniques can result in long lasting sobriety from using sex as a drug or medicator (see About Sex Addiction under the Info tab for more information).

Be assured, I can help you as I have helped hundreds of others in my counseling practice heal and recover from sexual addiction and sexual compulsive behaviors.

To take the first step toward recovery, contact me by phone or by email to set-up an initial consultation.

George F. Peckham, MFT, CSAT


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